Develop Student Interventions

Overview and Challenges of this
Phase of the RTI Lifecycle

Once the struggling learners have been identified and assigned to the appropriate Response to Intervention (RTI) tier, then intervention service plans can be developed to meet each student’s needs.  The team does this by developing an evidence-based intervention that might include: an implementation timeframe (e.g., 4 weeks, 6 weeks, or 8 weeks); the frequency of the interventions (how often the intervention will be provided and for how many minutes per week); who will provide the intervention (e.g. classroom teacher, Title I teacher, etc); and a timeframe to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention.  The developing, drafting, updating, storing and accessing of intervention plans can be a paperwork and administrative burden.  This time-consuming paperwork burden can be a barrier to the successful implementation of Response to Intervention (RTI).

Benefits of RTIm Direct in this Phase of the RTI Lifecycle

RTIm Direct saves time, reduces paperwork, improves collaboration, and enhances the quality of intervention plans.  As a full-lifecycle product, RTIm Direct has an in-depth and user-friendly wizard which allows teachers and Response to Intervention (RTI) teams to draft intervention plans online in an efficient and collaborative manner. 

With RTIm Direct, teachers and Response to Intervention (RTI) team members can draft intervention plans directly online for viewing, editing, and collaborating by all staff involved with a student (different access and privilege levels can be established for each user).  In just a few minutes, authorized teachers or Response to Intervention (RTI) team members can create high quality intervention plans, using any computer with internet access. 

RTIm Direct - Features and BenefitsThe system guides users through the process of efficiently creating a quality intervention.  RTIm Direct prompts the user for each element of the intervention plan and provides a library of optional “starter text” to assist users with the drafting of interventions.  Teachers or Response to Intervention (RTI) team members can fully edit the “starter text” from the library, create their own text from scratch, and/or cut and paste statements from other sources, allowing each statement to be completely customized to reflect the student’s needs.  The district can customize, add, and/or delete “starter text” from the library for district-wide use.  At the district’s option, “starter text” can also be turned-off. 

As an additional time-saver, drop-down menu items help teachers and Response to Intervention (RTI) Team members select certain elements of the intervention plan.  The use of drop-down menu items where appropriate when drafting the intervention plan not only saves time, it also ensures compliance with district polices and practices.  As with virtually all areas of RTIm Direct, a district can fully customize the items listed in the drop-down menus.

RTIm Direct creates a comprehensive K-12 record of the student’s entire intervention history.  RTIm Direct allows an unlimited number of interventions to be created for each student.  In addition, the student’s complete intervention history is available at your fingertips.  Active interventions appear in the student’s current record, and all historical interventions can be referenced with a single click of the mouse. 

Teachers and Response to Intervention (RTI) team members will appreciate the exceptionally easy-to-navigate user interface RTIm Direct provides, which includes a student’s entire Response to Intervention (RTI) profile on one scrollable page, instead of the cumbersome layers of windows found in other programs.

RTIm Direct guides teachers and Response to Intervention (RTI) teams efficiently and effectively through the process, creating in the least time possible a comprehensive and high-quality intervention plan which includes:

  • A description of the specific intervention
  • The length of time that will be allowed for the intervention to have a positive effect
  • The number of minutes per day the intervention will be implemented
  • Persons responsible for providing the intervention
  • Location where the intervention will be provided
  • Factors for judging whether the student is experiencing success
  • Description of the progress monitoring strategy or approach, such as curriculum-based measurement (CBM), that will be used
  • Progress monitoring schedule
  • Response to Intervention (RTI) tier
  • And other optional information

The current and historical intervention history of a student is available online for access by authorized users.  With a click of the mouse, any authorized staff member can view or print a student’s intervention plan.

RTIm Direct Highlights in this Phase of the RTI Lifecycle

  • Guides staff through the process of creating a high-quality intervention plan in the least time possible
  • Allows intervention plans to be drafted directly online for viewing, editing, and collaborating
  • Provides a customizable library of optional and fully editable “starter text” to assist users with the drafting of interventions
  • Maintains a comprehensive K-12 record of each student’s entire intervention history
  • Allows you to create an unlimited number of interventions for each student




For more information or a demonstration, call 800-766-1822 or click here.