Assess the Population and Aggregate Data

Overview and Challenges of this
Phase of the RTI Lifecycle

The first step in the Response to Intervention (RTI) process is to benchmark the student population with an assessment or curriculum-based measure.  Assessments can range from research-based assessments, to state or local standardized tests, to targeted curriculum-based probes.  There are hundreds of widely available research-based assessments / curriculum-based measurement (CBM) probes in all curriculum areas to choose from.  The appropriate assessment and method of administration will vary depending upon the grade level, school curriculum, and budget.  Once the assessments / curriculum-based measurements (CBMs) have been administered, the data needs to be aggregated.  This phase has presented challenges for schools, due to the difficulty of aggregating assessment data from different sources.

Benefits of RTIm Direct in this Phase of the RTI Lifecycle

RTIm Direct is seamlessly compatible with any and all assessments / curriculum-based measurements (CBMs).  Unlike other systems, RTIm Direct does NOT dictate which assessments / curriculum-based measurements (CBMs) you must use.  With RTIm Direct, you have the flexibility to use whatever assessments / curriculum-based measurements (CBMs) you prefer. 

RTIm Direct - Features and BenefitsAll of your students’ assessments / curriculum-based measurements (CBMs) results are imported into RTIm Direct with a click of the mouse or entered with a few keystrokes.  Assessments / curriculum-based measurements (CBMs) results can be quickly and securely imported in a batch or entered individually.  With RTIm Direct, there is NO need for costly, complex, and difficult-to-maintain handheld PDAs, pocket PCs, digital pens, or special materials.

As a company of educators, we at the Centris Group understand the real-world challenges and time constraints that you face.  That’s why our products are designed by practitioners to be fully compatible, flexible, easy to use, efficient, reliable, and powerful.

Once the assessments /curriculum-based measurements (CBMs) have been administered and results data entered into RTIm Direct, the software will automatically help you identify struggling learners and assign intervention tiers.

RTIm Direct Highlights in this Phase of the RTI Lifecycle

  • Seamlessly compatible with any and all assessments / curriculum-based measurements (CBMs)
  • Assessment / curriculum-based measurement (CBM) data can be automatically imported in a batch or entered individually
  • NO need for costly, complex and difficult-to-maintain handheld PDAs, pocket PCs, or digital pens




For more information or a demonstration, call 800-766-1822 or click here.